Sometimes, you need to believe and affirm to yourself. Sometimes, you need to think something will happen before it is happening. Sometimes you need to access the subconscious mind and reprogram it with new and empowering information that will change the way you look into yourself and the world.
If you’ve been struggling to remove a harmful habit from your daily routine and you’d like to create the magic which helps you change things even a teensy bit
Here are four affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind and expand your mind potential
1- I will speak with integrity
2- I am full of empowering thoughts today
3-I am open to endless creativity
4- I accept challenges as they come
5-I have the potential to succeed
6- I will attract positive habits
7- I am aware of my negativity
8- I am deeply connected with myself
9- I am a happy soul
10- I have the power to change
By rehearsing positive affirmations daily, you are raising your self-esteem and improving your confidence. The most important part of affirmations is to say/write them in the present tense as if it’s already true. In doing so, you are telling your mind that this is already happening; that you are already this person, and you have the things you want. This is an essential exercise because you have to first convince your subconscious mind that it can actually achieve everything.
A new belief system is basically equal to a new existence and entity. You can always affirm a positive lifestyle and get it.